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Experts say pellet and other types of toy guns are more powerful than they used to exist, so protective center gear is a must when using them. Getty Images
  • Researchers say the number of centre injuries associated with BB, pellet, Airsoft, paintball, and other guns is increasing.
  • They say the increase is due to the fact that guns sold today are more than powerful than the toys of yesteryear.
  • Experts recommend that military-style eye protection gear be worn whenever children or adults are using these weapons.

If you're a parent, it's that time of year again. You're starting to put together your holiday toy list.

But if your list includes "toy" or "starter" guns, make sure yous get the correct kind of protective eye gear.

That's considering the number of children and adolescents getting serious eye injuries from BB, pellet, paintball, and Airsoft guns is on the rise.

That'south according to a new study, chosen Nonpowder Firearm Injuries to Children Treated in Emergency Departments, published today in the December edition of the journal Pediatrics.

Researchers say they discovered that the overall rate of these firearm injuries has decreased by 55 per centum since 1990, but the rate of heart injuries has increased by 30 pct.

"The adept news is that these injuries overall are going down. But, unfortunately, they nevertheless remain an important source of preventable injuries in children," said Dr. Gary A. Smith, DrPH, senior author of the report and managing director of the Centre for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

The researchers examined 26 years of data from the National Electronic Surveillance System, a representative database maintained by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

They found that on average, more than 13,000 children a twelvemonth under the age of eighteen, mostly immature boys, were treated in an emergency department for injuries from nonpowder firearms.

BB guns accounted for 81 percent of the injuries. And 22 pct of the eye injuries were serious enough that they required the child be admitted to the infirmary.

"They can air current upwards with a projectile in their eye, a world ruptured. That ways the eyeball itself was pierced. They can end up with a hyphema. That'southward when there's blood in the front function of the eyeball. These are all really serious injuries," Smith told Healthline.

Experts say at that place are several reasons for the upward trend in eye injuries.

"Other studies have shown that when information technology comes to eye injuries, 98 percentage aren't wearing eye protection," Smith explained.

He says the researchers in today'south report didn't have admission to sales data to run across if more of the firearms are existence sold. But he says there'due south anecdotal evidence the guns may have a lot more than power.

"BB guns were very unlike when I was a kid," Smith said. "The ones we accept today are much more powerful. The muzzle velocity on some is similar to a handgun. That's a high-powered projectile."

"My clinical groundwork is as a pediatric emergency medicine physician. I worked for decades in emergency departments in children's hospitals across this land," Smith added.

"I've seen BBs lodged in the sac that surrounds the heart or pericardium," he said. "I've seen pellets that pierced the skull and landed side by side to the brain. I've seen a child shot in the buttocks by a pellet gun. The pellets went from his buttocks to his abdomen, so through his intestines. Information technology caused and so much damage, he had to have a colostomy."

The researchers say there are few laws regulating the nonpowder guns. So, information technology's up to parents to make certain their kids are safety.

"If the guns are being used for target practice or small animal hunting, you should regard them the aforementioned every bit a 22-guess firearm considering they can practice similar impairment," Smith said. "They really demand to exist treated as if they are lethal when they have that kind of power."

He says parents need to carefully consider whether their kid is onetime enough and mature enough to employ a firearm. Children need to be supervised, monitored, and trained.

"This is important," said Anthony Green, chief advocacy and network officer of the nonprofit group Safety Kids Worldwide. "We encourage parents to think of nonpowder firearms in the same way equally they do when keeping traditional firearms with bullets condom around their kids."

"We also advise parents talk to grandparents and the parents of kids with whom their kids play in the hopes that everyone follows condom gun practices," Green told Healthline. "Nosotros realize this isn't the easiest conversation to have, simply it'due south important."

The American Academy of Ophthalmology has put together some tips to assist yous find the right protective eye gear:

  • Goggles and sunglasses designed for skiing, sun, dust, and current of air protection are Non safe for eye protection when it comes to gun use. If the googles and glasses are hit either direct or indirectly, they tin can shatter, dissentious the optics as much or more than a BB or pellet gun can.
  • Civilian rubber eyewear has "Z" rated markings. It'southward used for yard work, home improvement projects, manufactory work, or roadside construction crews. Information technology'south NOT recommended for apply with air guns and other similar weapons.
  • Ballistic eyewear is designed for use with air guns and other weapons. Ballistic safety eyewear is strong enough for military use. Information technology must be identified every bit meeting Military Ballistic Standards. Among other important factors, the eyewear must completely cover the eyes and slightly wrap around the head.